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coreboot-D16, also known as Mike's Coreboot, is a distribution of Coreboot for the ASUS KGPE-D16, developed by mrothfuss, focused on improving reliability and memory compatibility over upstream Coreboot 4.11 and Dasharo 0.4.0. It is provided in two versions - coreboot-4.11 and coreboot-4.15. The former is based on upstream Coreboot 4.11, while the latter is based on Dasharo's KGPE-D16 port (an earlier out-of-tree effort to reintroduce KGPE-D16 support in Coreboot, ultimately not upstreamed), which is itself effectively a fork of Coreboot around the 4.15 release.

At this time, among known users of coreboot-D16, the coreboot-4.11 version is in much more widespread use, has seen significantly more testing, and is generally considered the most stable and complete Coreboot port available on the KGPE-D16.

coreboot-D16 also includes a modified version of fand.cpp, for use with OpenBMC, providing improved BMC-based fan control for KGPE-D16 users running OpenBMC. At present, you will need to manually replace this file in your OpenBMC source with the coreboot-D16 version before building OpenBMC in order to use it.

See coreboot-D16 on GitHub for more information.