SuperMicro has created a total of 23 motherboards
// todo write the manufacturing dates and a info box with logo maybe
Naming convention
The SuperMicro board naming convention can be a bit awkward to navigate.
Lets take the H8QGi+-F as an example:
The "q" in h8qgi+-F stands for quad socket while "d" stand for dual socket and "s" stands for single socket
The "g" in h8qgi+-F stands for G34 while on the other hand if we were to be talking about a H8SCM ie a "c" that would indicate a C32 socket motherboard.
The "i" in h8qgi+-F stands for no onboard SAS while on the other hand if it were to be H8QG6+-F or H8QG7-LN4F ie a "6" or a "7" instead of an "i" that would indicate onboard SAS.
The "+-" in h8qgi+-F represents a single north bridge while on the other hand if we were to be talking about the H8QGi-F ie a "-" that would represent dual north bridge. Note this indicator is inconsistent take the following as an example H8SCM-F has one NB, H8QGI-F has two NB, H8QGI+-F has one NB.
The "F" in h8qgi+-F tells you this board has 2 ethernet ports this can be inconsistent as a board without -F could also have 2 ethernet ports take the H8DGi as an example while on the other hand if we were to replace "F" with "LN4F" as is the case with H8QG7+-LN4F that would indicate 4 ethernet ports.